
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Group Membership

Note that you cannot enter the same number twice.

The rest of the fields are optional and filled if the information is available and required by the regulations of your organization:

If in the System/Configuration/Register Part 2 you have specified the minimum age of your clients, Loan Performer will not allow you to save a client below the minimum age.

In Loan Performer you have the opportunity to define up to 2 group member categories in the Support files/Group Member Category 1, 2 menu.

On the Group member information page just select an appropriate category(-ies) for the group member from the drop-down list box.

Choose a product for the client's "Period savings" from the drop-down list-box. (Products are entered at the System/Configuration/Products menu.) Choose the period of savings from the next drop-down list box. Enter an amount of savings expected to be made by the client in the specified period in the Expected amount box.

If there are no any period savings just leave the period indicator at None.

A Member Period Savings Report is available at the Savings/Savings Reports menu.

Contact LPF live support for more information
This service requires an Internet connection.

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